Nail Dodger Price: $0.99

7 01 2010

Nail Dodger is a simple app where you are a balloon and your goal is to stay alive as long as you can. This app was made by AppStoreMod also a iPhone app reviewer. As a balloon you want to dodge nails coming down in any random place. You can chose from 3 balloon colors. Red, blue or green or listen to music when you are playing the game. The game is easy to learn and good to play.  There are 1 UPs, and 2X. Now everyone knows what 1 ups are. But the 2x are interesting.  Say your time is 100 secs and you get a 2x it goes to 200 secs. But at the end it will say you stayed alive for 200 secs. But you did not, you just got a 2x so that is a glitch in the game. Other then that there is not much in the game. So if you are looking for a game you will play for awhile trying to beat the high scores or a time killer pick up this game today!


Tap Tap Revenge 3 Price: Free

6 01 2010

Tap Tap Revenge 3 is the latest game in the hit series, Tap Tap Revenge. This game was at one point $0.99 but was lowered to free. Now this app has the same problem as the last two games. It comes with 5 songs! Now iPhone owners will not care about this, but iTouch owners will be mad if they dont have wifi. But beside that, the game has 200+ free tracks. But there are no Killers, coldplay, or fall out boy. You may be wondering why. Let me tell you, all the hit bands have ”paid” tracks. This is when you buy for a 2 track or a 6 track pack. 2 track costing $0.99 and a 6 pack costing $2.99.  All the paid tracks come with there own theme, plus there is a new track you can download each Thursday that come with their own theme.  Here is what I have to say about the paid tracks. If you really wanna get your favorite bands songs for Tap Tap to get a full combo or something get it, but I think they are a waste of money. I have only got 1 2 pack track, and the themes for them don’t really make a difference, some even make the buttons hard to see. But in order to get any of these paid tracks you need wifi or 3G/edge. There is also another way to get paid tracks for free. There is something called credits, this is when you can download free apps and get them. Most are worth 17 credits, but there are high paying ones still being free. This is a very nice way to get paid tracks without paying. Also on the top they have added the % of notes hit along with your streak and times ammount. They also added a X16 star, this is when you get X16 for 10 secs. In order to get this you have to hit all the star notes when they come up. Overall Tap Tap Revenge 3 is nice app but the songs that they have do not even come close to TTR2. You can’t even import your songs from TTR2 to Tap Tap Revenge 3, but you can import them from any paid app from Tapouls.


MacTracker Price: Free

5 01 2010

MacTracker is a simple free app that allows you to look up ipods, iPhones,  displays, and desktop+notebooks. This app goes all the way back to the Mac 128K.  When you look under iMacs, it gives info on the first iMac. It gives General, such as price, Model Number, and and when it was introduced.  it also shows Processing info. Such as number of cores, what type it used, and the speed along with 32-bit or 64-bit.  This is just a small list of what is has, if your a mac fan or apple fan and want to learn more about macs. Check this app out, you will not be disappointed


Tap Tap Revenge 2 Price: $0.99

4 01 2010

Tap Tap Revenge 2  has many new things added to it.  The first one is a Kids mode. This is a mode where if you miss a note your multiplier will not go down.  Also the multiplier was  raised to X8. To get to X8 you have to get a 50 note streak and shake your phone. Also, with more popular songs they added custom themes. They also improved on the track list by A LOT! They now have 200+ free tracks with a new one by a hit band every Thursday. They also have well know bands now such as Coldplay or The Jackson 5. But the same problem with the last one, if you don’t have wifi it comes with about 4 songs.  So if you don’t have wifi you wont be able to download all the FREE tracks. yes, that’s right for $0.99 you are getting 200+ free tracks, plus a new one every Thursday. If you have wifi/3g/edge. You should get this if you already have not. It is one of the best games, and has the best song section. Even better then Tap Tap revenge 3.  BUY IT NOW!


Tap Tap Revenge Classic Version Price: $0.99

4 01 2010

This was the first ever tap tap game.  Released in 2008, this game brought a Guitar Hero like game to the iphone. The controls are easy to learn but hard to master. There is no failing like Guitar hero, just trying to beat high scores. The max multiplier you can have in this game is X4. Meaning each note you hit with that X4 is worth 200 points.  You don’t need wifi to play the game, but to download more tracks you do need wifi/2g/3g to download more tracks. All tracks are free.  Some not by well know artists, others by Storke 9. But the game only comes with 2 tracks. So if you don’t have wifi you wont be impressed by the song selection.  This game was at one point free, but its now the classic version.  If you want to own the Classic version or want to see what tap tap was like 2 years ago pick it up, if you dont you can pass on it.
